Monday, November 15, 2010

3D - The future of Cinema? or another way to steal your money?

James Cameron, the man behind the "game-changing" film Avatar (other notable films include; The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss) has stated on more than one occasion that, he believes within 10 years all films shown in movie theaters will be projected in 3D. While at the moment, it may seem plausible for this to happen, considering most of the big films coming out right now are either shot in 3D or are being transferred to 3D. But, in my opinion this is nothing more than a trend, as it was in the 80s, and as it will continue to be. 3D is a gimmick. It is a flashy way for the higher-ups in the industry to nickel and dime the consumer. For starters, most films are now being shot in Digital 3D, which means that film is no longer involved. When a production shoots on digital, rather than film, they save tons of money. At this point in time, 35 mm film costs around 900-1500 dollars per shoot day. On the contrary, digital media storage is free, so as long as the production has the camera and the storage device, the film costs goes from 900-1500 per day, to zero. The last time I went to a theater and saw a film in 3D ( I saw piranha 3D, it is exactly what you expect. Stupid.) my ticket cost 13 dollars. 13 dollars for a movie ticket. But, like most consumers, I payed full price. So obviously, big profits can come from digital 3D when they save money during the production, and then charge the consumer an extra 5 bucks per ticket. As a money-struggling student and filmmaker it irritates me that the industry would be so bold to do such a thing to the people that keep them in business. For the sake of our wallet's and the future of the film industry, let's hope Mr. Cameron is just blowing smoke.